Thursday, February 23, 2012

PYHO Over Vegetarian Lasagna Cup Cakes

So I had another one of those things where you get another year older, what are they called?  A Birthday?  Yep, one of those!  I don't mind aging really, I learn so much each year that I am blessed with life, I just don't really like putting numbers on my age.  I really still feel like a little kid most of the time, after all I am surrounded by them day and night, and Hubby is just an over grown boy. 

Most years I will do a HUGE party for myself, to celebrate all great things from the year I was given, and as a way to look forward to the coming year.  This year however I just didn't want that.  There was loss and there was gain, (and I am not just talking about my waistline!) and I really just wanted to be surrounded by people who have been there for all that. I could test out some recipe ideas on my guinea pigs (A.K.A Friends) and enjoy their company all at the same time.  It was a win win for me.  The ate, laughed, drank, and I truly just enjoyed their company.  I have been so blessed this past year to discover an amazing group of people, that have been there for me for a long time, but I just began to see the light they shine into my life.  It is an amazing feeling.

This idea for lasagna cups was not my original this time, I saw it on (where else) Pinterest.  However the vegetarian filling is mine.  I made 2 pans of large muffin tins as a dinner for the boys, then 4 trays of the mini muffin tins for my Guinea Pigs.

Here's What you Need

2 packages of wonton wrappers
1 jar of your favorite sauce ( homemade or store bought, I won't judge)
1 package of previously frozen firm tofu crumbled and drained
2 green onions finely chopped
2 cloves garlic minced
2 tbsp ground almonds
3 - 4 basil leaves chopped
1 tbsp Olive oil
2 cups mixture of shredded mozza and parm cheeses

Grease your muffin tins
Preheat Oven to 350
In a bowl mix together tofu, green onions, garlics, almonds, olive oil and basil leaves
Spoon a drop of sauce into the pans, then start assembling your lasagna layers
Top with cheese mixture
Bake for 20 mins, or until cheese is melted and so yummy looking!
Invite good Friends and Family to enjoy it with you.

Spoon sauce into the bottom of the pans to keep the noodles moist
Once all the cups are lined with Wonton Wrappers spoon in the tofu mixture
MMMM, this tofu mixture is so good!
Already for the oven

Here you have it! SOO GOOD!
And if you are like me and got up at 4 am to make these
and you have left over tofu mixture, make a tofu scramble for your breakfast!
Now go visit Shell @

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