Monday, January 17, 2011

The First day of the rest of your life

After countless requests, I have decided to start a blog.  Recently a friend started a blog and her courage to share and help others was my motivation to FINALLY do this.  I have been on a journey this last year to loose some weight and feel better in my skin.  I have had so many people asking how I did it, what food I have eaten, what my rules were, I could go one!  I have written and  rewritten the same emails so many times, I thought this would be a better approach.  I will be blogging about the ups and downs of weight lose, recommend exercises that have helped me, menu and meal ideas, clean eating recipes, ways to get your kids to eat clean healthy foods and whatever other things you would like me to research and touch on. I also thought this would be a great place to be accountable to each other.  You can post your gains / loses and as you strive to eat clean healthy foods, and reach your goals.  I will try to BLOG at least twice a week, and my first full BLOG will be My story, and My Goals.

So I hope that you will follow me, share your stories, recipes, menu ideas, and much more.  I look forward to the experience!

Blog Archive