Thursday, May 26, 2011

Comments, blogs and the never ending LAUNDRY MONSTER!!

Until last night I had
4 piles like this. NO JOKE!

Hello to everyone and good morning!  I know I am so behind on following up on comments and blogs and posting and such, but I have good reason!  I have been busy getting connected with lots of other great Mommy Bloggers, leaving comments there and being swallowed whole by the laundry monster all at the same time.  I am putting together a list of some great sites to get connected to other Mom's who we can all relate too, Mom's trying to loose weight, Moms dealing with kids, Working Moms, over worked moms, you name it the are out there!  I am hoping to have this list finished before the weekend so those of you how get a moment to yourselves this weekend (does that exist??) can sit and enjoy some great reads!

Also, for those of you that follow through Facebook, I have had some issues with my account and I have decided to go offline until I can get it all resolved, so feel free to share me to your Facebook wall by pressing the little grey "F" just below the post.  Thanks a bunch and I will be back soon with that great list for everyone!

PLUS I have some other exciting news to tell you about too, but it is a secret for a while..... stay tuned!!!

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