Friday, June 3, 2011

At the end of the day....

At the end of the day.....

I have drank an entire POT of coffee after swearing off caffine.....

I have been awake since 4 a.m. ......

I have listened to an average of 3 hours of crying / screaming for no good reason....

I have been asked an average of 58 times if it is snack time yet....

I have craved a giant Mr.Big at least once.......

I am lucky if I stay awake until 9 p.m......

I have wash, dried, rinsed repeat at least 15 times......

I have prepped, served, cleaned up from at least 5 different meals......

I may have pulled the weeds, watered the garden and cut the grass...........

I have wiped a hundred noses, and clean a hundred hands............

I have kissed numerous BOO BOOs and hugged it all better numerous times........

If I am lucky I have worked in a little cardio, weights or training..............

I most likely forgot to email you back.............

I have cursed under my breath at the 30th temper tantrum I have endured by lunch time.....

I have put aside my needs and wants to help others........

I usually still have laundry all over my bedroom....

The chances of there being a clean bathroom in my house are slim to none.............

I spent too much time on my computer and not enough time washing floors..............

I have done the best I can as a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a friend for today ............

Tomorrow is a fresh start, the first day of the rest of my life!

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