Thursday, February 2, 2012

PYHO - What Yoga is doing for me....

I come to you today from Shell's PYHO again.  I hope you will take the time to check her and all the other great blog post out at her site.
"When you are in the flow of what you are meant to be doing,
i.e. your purpose... it all falls together
at the speed of light and arrives at your doorstep
without even having to look for it."

2011 was a year of great highs and great lows for me.  I started the year feeling on top of the world.  I was turning 30, and had great plans as to who I was going to be and what my life was going to be like.

I went into the year with a positive attitude and a happy heart. 

But life had other plans, as I celebrated one up of reaching my goals to finally drop my "baby Fat" by the time I was 30, my Grandfather would become very ill and pass away just 10 days later. 

The year followed this pattern, as one good thing would come my way, another one would leave.

I would create new and wonderful friendships, only to feel like others were slipping away.

The year ended for me on December 10th when I learned that my Grandmother had passed away after a very short battle with cancer, then watched a good friend lose his mother that same weekend.

I wanted to crawl in a hole and wake up in 2012, I did not want anymore of this year. 

I felt the heaviness of the past year weighing on me, my heart and the people around me that I love so much. 

The weight of it all seemed unbearable, and I was not sure what I was going to do.  There are still times when I really am not sure how to go on with my Grandparents, and I am sure there always will be. 

I wanted 2012 to be better, but I wasn't putting these grand expectations on my life, and I wasn't going to set myself up for disappointment this time. 

Here enters Yoga. 

It was not until finally relaxation at our 3rd class that I realized what Yoga was doing for me, and how much of the heaviness was lifting. 

Our instructor read the following prayer to us. 

It was in that moment of silence that I realized that I really needed the quiet meditation of Yoga to reconnect me to ME, and to be ok with how I feel about everything I have gone through this past year.  It is what is making me into the person I want to be.

"Never a bother,

you are a blessing.

Not a hindrance,

you are hope.

Impossible to be a nuisance;

you are a necessary, needed,

integral part of life.

You're not a drain, a drag, a deficit;

you are a divine delight,

daring to dream of dancing free.

You're not your body;

you are a being of light,

beautifully bright to see.

You are Love, expressing,

growing, healing, knowing,

showing the way home.

You are Love."

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