Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My New Year Starts Next Week...

So, I am not really still on holidays anymore, but I just can't seem to get my but back on the wagon yet.  I have all these great and wonderful ideas for the New Year.  I just need this week to get them organized.
I have spent every free moment this week purging my life and home of the last years binge (and by free moment I mean the seconds between crafts with the kids, sledding with the boys, baking cookies with my new "Mix MASTER K" - Kitchenaid stand mixter!, and discovering new ways to build LEGO.)  Like I said before 2011 was a rough year.  I seemed to have even given up on my house!  I had clutter in every hidden corner imaginable.  I ended up with 2 industrial size bags of garbage, 2 giant Rubbermaid bins for Goodwill, and an over sized bag of clothes that really weren't fit for anyone in my house!  It felt great!  I knew that if I wanted to be able to focus on being a better me, I had to start by cleaning the clutter.  For me, when I look at clutter I get overwhelmed, stressed and I panic at the thought of all the time and effort it takes to get rid of it.  How are you supposed to find time to work out when you are stuffing the clutter back in the dark corner it came from?  I wasn't finding the time and that was the problem! 

Now that my house s uncluttered, here is what I have in store;

New Blog Features

  • "Nothin' to Say Monday!".  It will be a linky day, where we can link up a picture or two from our past week.  It gives you a chance to share some photos, and gives me a break from writing.  Cause lets face it, MONDAYS SUCK, and I usually can barely get outta bed, let alone write a BLOG POST! 
  • Reci"PAGE" - I am working on organizing the recipes on the blog into one easy to read page.  That way when you are looking for something to make, bake, cook, or shake, they will all be right there in front of your eyes. This may not be up and running by next week, but I am working on getting it ASAP!
  • WORK IT GURL! - I often post about workouts, and fun ways to train and get fit.  It is something I LOVE to DO!  (Even though I seem to have forgotten how lately.)  When I am working out I am a happier, nicer me (remember my new years resolution??), and I want to continue to share what I learn with all of you.  So I will have a section on the blog devoted to this, and every month I will be updating it with a new move, strategy, or idea.  So make sure you check it out!
  • And last but CERTAINLY not LEAST (drum roll please,,,,)  I want to Challenge YOU!  That is right YOU!!  I did an amazing 30 day Challenge that Started in November of 2011.  It was a Challenge to dig deep into who you are, to drop some extra weight and, to make yourself a better you, and to reach THOSE goals.  It was run by an amazing lady who is also an Isagenix Rep.  Now before you say "O great another push to sell something"  That is NOT what this is.  I will of course recommend the products that I love, but if you prefer something else, than go for it!  It is NOT about the products, it is about YOU!!  It is about reaching a goal you set out for yourself.  I personally will be doing the 30 day Isagenix Cleanse, and if you are interested in placing an order to follow along please email me (  If you are just wanting to read the posts, try the menus, recipes and workouts, than do that.  There is no pressure.  Do it the way you need to, but I will say one thing.  If you really want to Challenge yourself to feel like a million dollars in 2012, place an order!  Even just doing the Isalean Shakes will make a huge change in how you feel.  The Challenge will start on MONDAY JANUARY 16th, which gives you lots of time to place your order, get rid of the candy and junk that is in your cupbords from the holidays (and I mean toss it out, NOT eat it all, :) ), and commit to joining me!
So, there you have it folks!  I most likely will not be back until next week. I am excited for what this year will bring.  I hope you are too!

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